Date 2/13/12
Affiliation Artist, Madrid
Hosted in partnership with the David Brower Center
NB This event will take place at a special location:
David Brower Center
2150 Allston Way
Berkeley, CA 94704
Directions below.
Outside of the metropolis, rural area is increasingly becoming a contested zone where the most pressing issues of our time are being played out. These issues include environmental sustainability, global economics versus local economies, issues of food production and genetic modification, and cultural commodification. In the process of adaptation to a shifting global, order vast transformations are taking place in the biophysical, social, and cultural realms - a scenario that is not exempt from conflict.
In this context Fernando Garcia Dory's experimental intervention in rural Spain called "Inland / Campo Adentro" questions the role of creativity and arts, and the artist�s function, as grounds for a new genre of landscape.
Fernando Garc�a-Dory's (b. 1978) work engages specifically with issues affecting the relation between culture-nature now, embodied within the contexts of landscape, the rural, desires and expectations related with identity aspects, crisis, utopy and social change. He studied Fine Arts and Rural Sociology in Madrid, Spain. Interested in the harmonic complexity of biological forms and processes, his work addresses connections and cooperation, from microorganisms to social systems, and from traditional art languages such as drawing to collaborative agroecological projects, actions, and cooperatives. (from Fernando Garcia)
-- As of 2/13/12