Body Movies, 2001

Rafael Lozano-Hemmer

Relational Architecture: Building Digital Anti-Monuments

Date 2/26/01

Affiliation Artist, Montreal


In this talk Rafael Lozano-Hemmer will describe "Relational Architecture", which includes Vectorial Elevation and other interactive artworks designed to challenge and transform emblematic buildings and urban landscapes by means of novel technological interfaces.


Rafael Lozano-Hemmer is a Mexican-Canadian electronic artist living in Madrid who works in relational architecture, technological theatre, and performance art. His work has been shown in over a dozen countries, including the ARCO art fair (Spain), Bienal de la Habana (Cuba), Film+Architektur Biennale (Austria), Museo de Monterrey (M�xico), the Mus�e des Beaux Arts (Canada), and the European Media Art Festival (Germany).

His millennial project "Vectorial Elevation" transformed the Zscalo Square in Mexico City using robotic searchlights controlled over the Internet. His projects, developed in collaboration with Will Bauer, received the Golden Nica Prize in 2000 and honorable mentions at the 1995 and 1998 Prix Ars Electronica in Austria. He also won "Best Installation" at the Interactive Digital Media Awards in Toronto, a Cyberstar award in Germany, and a distinction at the SFMOMA WebbyAwards in San Francisco

-- As of 2/26/01

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