In his talk, drawn from The Plenitude, a new PowerPoint book in progress, Rich Gold will explore artifacts he has designed to survive within the evolving culture of plenitude that surrounds and envelopes us. In the talk, he'll concentrate on "a certain phylum of stuff that might be classified as digital art."
Rich Gold is a composer, cartoonist, artist and researcher who holds ten patents. At Sega he invented "Little Computer People" (Activision), the first fully autonomous commercially-available computerized person. At Mattel Toys he was the manager of the PowerGlove. Gold joined Xerox PARC in the early nineties, where he was a researcher in Ubiquitous Computing. In 1994, he created and now runs the PARC artist-in-residence program (PAIR), which pairs fine artists and scientists together based on shared technologies. He is currently manager of RED (Research in Experimental Documents) at Xerox PARC, which looks at the creation of new document genres by merging art, design, science and engineering.
-- As of 11/27/00